Innovation and government: funding from Regione Toscana

November 10, 2017 at 11:04 am

When people think about government, they tend to associate it with tradition. That’s not entirely true. In the last few years, government, public authorities and municipalities have changed their approach to digital and innovation, becoming the main promotes of a change from which companies, people and the government itself can benefit. Recently, we have been first-hand witnesses of this “revolution”. 

Last August, we applied for a call, Por Creo – concerning the funding for a project aiming at strengthening research activities, technological development, and innovation. Our project consisted of participating in Dmexco – Digital Marketing Exposition and Conference – the leading European digital marketing conference held in Cologne, Germany. Regione Toscana granted funding to build our booth, where we had the chance to set meetings, discuss innovation and industry trends while unveiling new business opportunities. 

The event was a success in terms of new contracts, visibility, and partnerships. But most of all, it was tangible proof of how digital and government can work together to promote growth and innovation.