April 23, 2020 at 8:21 am
Today, users spend between 4 – 5 hours per day (on average) on their mobile devices. Even though the average person has 40 apps installed on the phone, 89% of the time is split between 18 apps. This means, more than half of those apps remain unused. Stats also […]
February 20, 2020 at 4:58 pm
Today, users spend between 4 and 5 hours per day on mobile on average. More than 85% of this time is spent in-app while 14% on the mobile web. Stats also underline that 36 apps are installed on average on a user’s mobile device but only 4 out of them […]
February 12, 2020 at 11:29 am
Instal diventa Premier Google Partner e Apple Search Ads Partner, rafforzando l’investimento tecnologico e umano nelle due suite con l’obiettivo di fornire un supporto ancor più completo ai propri clienti nella pianificazione ed esecuzione di campagne di digital marketing. La certificazione Google Partner attesta la conoscenza e l’utilizzo ottimale di Google Ads […]